Friday, January 8, 2010

“Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.” - Winnie the Pooh

All to often I find myself on a hunt just for the sake of hunting. So, I thought to myself, why not share all the fabulousness I find along the way? Perhaps this blog is a way of justifying my silly behavior... perhaps is gives me some sense of identity... or perhaps it might help someone somewhere out there find some treasure they can't live without. In any case, I hope it's as fun for you as it is for me.

Here is what you might expect to find among my list of minty finds:

*realizations about life in general* for example:

I found today in spin class that it is okay to crank to the instructed level of resistance because as I ascend that imagined hill, my inner thigh is large enough to reach that resistance knob and inch it down a bit.

*peeks into my ongoing pile of projects* for example:

Over the holidays I came across a necklace that incoorporated several vintage lockets. As all my projects start, I said, "I could do that." So, I busily got to work hunting and gathering vintage lockets to make myself a necklace. Amazingly, I found a locket that had MS engraved on it (my oldest daughter's initials). I found a locket that had Helen etched into a mother-of-pearl heart (my youngest is Helen).... and on and on. Believe me, there are no shortage of vintage lockets out there. You just need to know where to look. That's where I come in. Esty and Ebay were most fruitful in my search. Ahhh, the finished product- see the photo today. I love, love, love it.

*helpful links that might lead you to the find of your dreams* for example:

Before you click on this link, I need you to do some imagining. First, close your eyes. Picture yourself recieving your latest gospel according to anthropologie in the mail. Poor yourself an imaginary cup of english breakfast tea, and sit down on your overpriced couch. Now, start thumbing through those imaginary pages of faux vintage clothes perched perfectly on underfed 20-year-olds. Now you come to the home section. Note the chippy plaster walls and the peeling wallpaper. Take in the intricately carved armoire and the embroidered lampshades. Feel yourself in that room. It's missing something. A sofa, you say? Now you are ready to click on the link... go for it.

So there you have it... peacocks and all. I'll try to find something every day for your viewing pleasure. I do take requests, so if there is something you've been looking for, I'm the gal to check with.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! So incredibly classy....I'm sort of motivated to learn the art of jewelry making...but I better finish my daughters crib set first...and the blessing dress...
