Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What Goes Around...

"Each thing is of like form from everlasting and comes round again in its cycle."
-Marcus Aurelius

Red Lipstick, legwarmers, mini skirts, platform boots, bell bottoms, Farah Fawcett curls, Robert Redford: all these things that have cycled through our popular culture again and again. It's always striking to me how often I find trends repeating. Even more striking is the trend I've noticed in reusing old things. In my little jewelry business, the older something is, the better it sells. People are drawn to the past, and, finally, it's trendy to find new uses for genuinely old things. I like to envision this pattern as a spiral- circling back around to something familiar, but taken up a level. Just today, my friend Joan sent me a link that took me back to something from my past I thought was long forgotten...

For those of you who joined this party train early on, you'll remember a post with a Craigslist link taking you to a mighty fine find of a Peacock covered couch. There are those of you who might have missed it, and for those sad souls, there is a remedy- You must do this first, however: Close your eyes. Imagine yourself stepping into a room with just the right balance of shabby and sheik. The walls are a dusty teal. The fireplace dons a chippy mantle with what paint remaining, an eggshell white. The armchair perfectly placed by the fireplace is simple beige brocade. Sit down in that chair. Feel the warmth of the fire place. Across the room from you is a mural made from a mishmash of found objects creating some sort of imagined landscape, but, alas, there is nothing underneath that mural to anchor it to the room. Now you are ready to click... enjoy!


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