Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pin It on Me

"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck."
-Emma Goldman

Well, what about diamonds on your roses? Now we're talking. Can't afford diamonds? Me either. So, let's settle for the next best thing: vintage rhinestones.

For some time now, I've had a total fixation on vintage pins. For those of you who know me, I'm a hard-core estate sale junkie. My favorite estate sales are the grandma houses (God rest their souls) with the prissiest, fussiest belongings cramming every square inch of their beloved ramblers. This variety of estate sale almost always yields a load of vintage pins: butterflies, hearts, fruit and flowers. There are always lots and lots of flowers. There always comes a point where all I can do is stand over the jewelry case and begin the negotiations with myself. How many do I already have? Do I really need another pin? Don't I already have one in the shape of an Iris? If I had my druthers I'd buy up every last one, but we all need limits. Don't we?

I have finally found the perfect outlet for the pin issue: the vintage pin bridal bouquet. I saw one of these online, and my heart skipped a beat. I had to try my hand at one. This one took 47 pins and earrings and approximately 6 hours of my time. It was so worth it. The result is better than I expected. Though I don't plan on walking down the aisle any time soon, someone somewhere with in six degrees might be. Besides, I'll be selling wares this coming week at the Junk Bonanza (links below including a groupon for 1/2 off tickets to the bonanza.) Come visit me if you can. If not, tell a bride or two I have something they can't live without!

1 comment:

  1. I think this years theme should be NO LIMITS...lets see where that gets us!!!!
