Monday, August 30, 2010

Local Motion

"Love thy neighbor- if he happens to be debonair & devistating, it will be easier."-Mae West

It's t-minus 7 days and counting until that long awaited back to school blast-off. I'm fighting back the waves of jealousy as my friends post glowing first day of school photos on facebook as well as quashing any anxiety rearing up regarding an impending in-law visit. That's right folks, my in-laws make it a ritual to visit every Labor Day making the last of my summer days extra special **happy face, big smile, deep breath.** It's this brew of summer-marathon exhaustion and new-schedule exhilaration that gives way to day dreams of how I'll spend my upcoming free hours. I'm going to have more than ever this year as my little one is crossing that giant kindergarten milestone. Life will never be the same.

What will I do with myself? That is the question of the day as well as a stock question all of us Mommies get as friends realize your little birdies will all soon be out of the nest (at least for part of the day.) Should I go back for that Master's Degree? Should I step up my volunteering schedule? Should I put more hours in at the gym? No. No. and Hell No! I'm thinking more along the lines of shopping, lunching and coffee- not necessarily in that order. If your thinking is anything like mine, but you're feeling a little guilty about not doing more important things with your precious time, I've got the answer... put your dollars where they will do good: local businesses.

I've recently registered my little business in the 3/50 Project, and I'll be making a point to follow the model as I go my merry way, kid free. Here is the lowdown: close your eyes and think of 3 local businesses you'd be heartbroken to see disappear. No Target. No Home Depot. No, my friends, not even Starbucks. I'm not talking big-box, big-business retailers. I'm talking brick & mortar, main street store fronts that spring up thanks to the sweat and toil of our neighbors. These are the people we should be supporting. Once you've zeroed in on your faves, spend $50 at those business a month. If we all did that, those local heroes would not only survive; they'd thrive. Need some direction? Here's a couple I'll be frequenting soon and often:

Seven Stars Coffee House: 7015 Amundson Ave. Edina
I'm not ashamed to admit I've got one giant coffee addiction, but I might be ashamed of how much coin I've sent to the man in the corner office via Starbucks. I now have a remedy. Though Seven Stars if a bit farther to drive, and I will have to forgo the mile-long drive-thru line, I will gladly support this new caffeine option. The coffee is fabulous, but that is just a start. Seven Stars is also a first-rate bakery with a partner devoted to creating a fresh (not to mention officially Kosher) menu of delights. There is a full lunch menu as well featuring an all vegetarian list of goodies. Both my daughters recently raved about a kick-a** grilled cheese they had for lunch last week. As an added bonus, the two local Moms who started this lovely shop go to great lengths to make sure all their cups, straws, utensils & napkins are compostable. Take that Starbucks!

Pizza Luce, Hopkins: 210 N. Blake Road, Hopkins
Can I just tell you, I had a massive meltdown (the good kind) when I spotted Pizza Luce's newest location while en route to a playdate hook-up. Until Pizza Luce moved close to my neighborhood, it was a trek to Uptown to get my hands on all the vegetarian options this local gem has to offer. I've never seen such a plethora of fake-meat options at a pizza joint. Not a vegetarian? You're covered. Vegan? You too. Gluten averse? You'll all be covered in amazing pizza. Did I mention the full bar? The Hopkins location is smack dab on the regional bike trail. So get pedaling, and get your butt to Pizza Luce.

Fifty bucks will go fast... make sure you've got those local backs! Enjoy...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a huge fan of the 3/50 project! Thanks for sharing! Other places I like: Neighborhood Ice Cream shop, Wally's Gas station, Shop In the City...
